To make possible what until now was only a dream, only possible to imagine, to aspire to what no one had ever tried and to achieve what could be considered by many as a chance or a dream: this is the idea from which our project was born.
AutoArte® is a laboratory of ideas; people (artists, professionals and designers). AutoArte® is the new way of interpreting art, merging it with the car industry and the universe of which it is part, trying to achieve several goals, enhancing and making as unique an object of common use, making it an integral part of the work itself.
We create innovative projects, technical improvements, enhance objects, we create a new market that goes beyond the idea of traditional business: we give value, not a price.
The study, design and drawing together, with the artistic contribution, the research of the right materials and the use of cutting-edge components, allow us to aspire to excellence, seeking exclusivity and transforming cars into something that goes beyond the conventional.
We are open to sponsorship’s and collaborations with other innovative companies, willing to support us in the design and realization of our projects.
Giving value to what already has a history, thanks to the magic of art: this is our philosophy.
Imagine a work of art, draw it and succeed in creating it: this is our ambition. AG.